Today IS tomorrow.
It’s interesting how people have this magical box they call “tomorrow” and how they expect to be a totally different person by the time they reach it.
The illusion of time is what makes us think that the present and past are real instead of temporal constructs we have conceptualized in our head.
But when you think about it twice, you come to the logicsal conclusion that they don’t really exist – we are in a perpetual state of now.
Think about it, have you ever not been in the now? I mean logistically of course. Your mind may wander off and you may be thinking about another time – but it’s never not now, your body is never in another spatial or temporal dimension than right here and right now.
And so, by the time “tomorrow” comes – it ends up being another today. And you end up being another present you, who is far less likely to do something as opposed to future you (as is evident from you not doing it in yesterday’s “right now”).
And so the cat and mouse game continues, until you realize the truth.
There is no spoon.
There is no tomorrow.
Tomorrow is today. And today is right now. And right now is all there is and all there ever will be.
So you either fucking do it or you don’t. But “someday” or “tomorrow” or “when the conditions are right” are all abstractions that allow you to pull the blame from yourself in the present and add it to an imaginary future you.
I say imaginary, because the future you envision is a false narrative that you convince yourself will be different from right now.
But it won’t.
Humans are habitual creatures. Therefore, it is a lot more likely that tomorrow’s “right now” will match today’s “right now”. And you’ll be left wondering where all the time went and why nothing changes.
The work is never done, and that’s because you are always in the right now. And in the right now you have infinite possibility but very finite probability – you can really only do one thing at a time.
How funny isn’t it? The paradoxical and ironic nature of our universe allows us to do anything but not everything. You can do anything you want in this moment – but you can only do one thing. And your next moment is not guaranteed as a factor of whatever the “anything” that you did in the previous moment was.
When you put it in terms like these – you realize the infinite nature of humans. We are always in the now and the now is infinite.
It is not the now that limits our life, making it finite – it is our access to the now.
Everything else is always in the now – eternal.