People think it means Automatic Braking System but it doesn’t – well, it does but that’s not the ABS I’m talking about.
Always. Be. Shipping.
Do you think that every time I write I feel like I want to be writing or that I think I have something to say?
Do you think that every time I post something, I think it is crafted to perfection and it’s gonna add value to your lives?
Fuck no.
But I do it anyway. I ship. Because as a writer and content creator, that’s my one and only job.
To write. To create fucking content.
How else am I gonna become good enough to improve your lives? How else can I forge myself into the writer you guys need except by immersing myself in the flames of Mordor?
I need to fucking bleed on these pages and every time I write and post, I do.
Because honestly, sometimes I write the dumbest shit on here. Trying hard to pull ideas out of the pits of my brain.
Hell, an argument could be made that this very article is half-baked. What the fuck am I even trying to say here except for – write, write A LOT.
But that’s only one half of the equation. The other half is posting it. You have to actually publish it online – in the realm of the digital nethersphere where it becomes part of the collective unconscious.
Once it’s out there, there’s no going back.
In reality, it takes guts to publish because you open your work up to scrutiny by anyone with an internet connection and a keyboard. You become vulnerable to the potential worst sides of the internet and not everyone can take that.
But like a poison administered in small doses, your body gets used to it and build up a tolerance. You become immune to the effects. One by one, your fortitude strengthens with each post that you release.
And that’s exactly why I do this and why I will post this out there – for selfish reasons, for me.
But how else can I help you guys but to help me first? How else can I be totally unselfish without first being totally selfish and grabbing on to everything I can while dowsing me in the fires of vulnerability.
It takes everything from me to post my work online, even when I know it’s potentially shit.
And yet that’s the only thing success requires from you – everything.
It’s only everything that you ever gotta give.