
Some things come to you just as you need them.

Earlier at the café I was feeling very overwhelmed and burnt-out. Maybe one of these days I’ll make a post about my schedule but the way it’s going now is that I work two part-time jobs – one is fixed hours and career focused, while the other one is flexible (freelance) and mostly for the money. Beside my jobs, I have a routine of certain hobbies and skills I try to do a bit of work on each day while also trying to set up a daily writing discipline for this blog.

This on top of all the regular everyday things you have in life such as hanging-out, doing things for family and administrative life tasks.

Of course, at times I will feel overwhelmed and mechanistic. It’s a given. At times I will question whether I want a life such as this for myself, to constantly feel under pressure to do more and seize the day.

And then serendipity will take over and I will get a thing placed just right at just the right time, as if by divine intervention.

Sometimes it’s as complex as a business opportunity, sometimes as simple as an IG post – which brings us to a post I saw today right in the middle of my exhaustion. There laid, in big white letters over a pitch-black background, written:

Remember that you asked for growth. Don’t be surprised when life challenges you”

Funny how that works.