You need to move forward in life. Never look back. One foot in front of the other. They say a…
Today IS tomorrow. It’s interesting how people have this magical box they call “tomorrow” and how they expect to be…
Yesterday I forgot to do my daily coding. Since New Year’s, I’ve been practicing my daily writing and daily coding…
ABS. People think it means Automatic Braking System but it doesn’t – well, it does but that’s not the ABS…
Happy New Year’s everyone (if anybody at all is even reading this!) Yet another revolution around the sun has completed…
There is no sense in rushing through life. What are you rushing to get to? Death? People forget that we…
I began this blog with two main goals in mind: To create a resource through which engineering students can improve…
“This is something I tell all the people in my firm…” I was sitting across from him on the large…
After work I went to the place I usually go to pick up breakfast, usually avoiding eating till about noon…
Sitting at the Mexican restaurant drinking a corona, I had a sudden realized. “This is it”. This is what life…
Some things come to you just as you need them. Earlier at the café I was feeling very overwhelmed and…